The Impact of Globalization on Canadian Fashion: An Expert's Perspective

Globalization has had a far-reaching impact on the world, and Canada is no exception. It has had a more pronounced effect on wealthier countries than on poorer countries, which lack the advanced technology, capital, and goods to trade. Globalization can lead to homogenization, as people increasingly consume similar foods, wear similar clothes, and listen to the same music. But it can also generate a strong reaction from certain groups and individuals who emphasize local or national concerns. In Canada, the policy of tariffs was met with little support in the West and Maritime Islands, but was popular in central Canada, home to most Canadian manufacturers.

This 20-year documentary offers an insightful look into the debate on geography, globalization, colonialism, and development by exploring how these intersect in the global second-hand clothing industry and its effects on livelihoods and the economy of Zambia. Some economists argue that the future lies in highly skilled work and specialized products at a higher price; Canada Goose jackets are often cited as an example. The poorest decile lost almost 70% of their income over a 30-year period, compared to a 30% increase for the richest decile. This highlights a larger global trend of income and wealth inequality. The rise in precarious employment in Canada since the start of the global financial crisis is concerning. Tariffs became more than just a matter of trade policy; for many in central Canada, they became linked to national identity — the Canadian government and industry uniting against external economic threats — a sacred part of public policy that no government would dare to touch. The evidence presented in the report contradicts the hypothesis that globalization leads to a compression of real incomes in higher-income countries.

However, it also points to a widening wage gap between textile, clothing, and footwear (TCF) workers in higher-income and lower-income countries.

Economic Impact

From an economic standpoint, globalization has meant higher levels of international trade and investment, as well as an increase in the exchange of knowledge and technology, particularly in industrialized nations. The company Forsyth — founded in 1903 — closed its factory due to globalization and government decisions that decimated Canada's textile industry.

Health Impact

The impact of globalization on individuals' and societies' health has been studied extensively since the beginning of contemporary globalization in the early 1970s. However, available evidence suggests that globalization has led to an overall increase in global employment levels and that the informal sector promotes an increasing volume of employment in developing countries, particularly in clothing and footwear.

Bentley Wong
Bentley Wong

Lifelong zombie scholar. Devoted social media fan. Avid bacon lover. Hipster-friendly twitter aficionado. Friendly zombie guru. Infuriatingly humble travel geek.

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